How To Speed Up Wireless Internet (Wifi) -Tips

Wireless Internet is considered revolutionary. It alleviated the difficulties of moving around a room to look for a comfortable spot while remaining latched online. Plus, it allows multiple users to share a connection with notable speed and bandwidth.
Speed Up Wireless Internet

But no matter how impressive, wireless networks are not spared from glitches.At some point, you might notice that connections start turning turtle-toed. This, unfortunately, is inevitable. Nonetheless, it can be easily skirted.

Speed Up Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi)

Understanding Factors Affecting Speed of Wi-Fi
To have a clearer view on how you can Speed Up Wireless Internet, it is imperative to comprehend the nitty-gritty of Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi is also dubbed as WLAN or wireless local area networking. It operates through a group of frequencies that are clustered around 2.4 GHz. This allows the system to smoothly transfer data between computers.
Wi-Fi uses a protocol known as 802.11, which ensures that the data is sent even without wires. As such, having various devices receiving signals and swamping each other’s flow may be one of the reasons for slow connection.
To get around this problem, Wi-Fi comes with a protocol that allows the devices to be connected to 13 channels – each of which is carrying a unique frequency. This guarantees a decreased possible interference.
There are now different versions of Wi-Fi in the market: 802.11b with maximum data transmission rate averaging to 11MB per second; 802.11g with 54MB per second; and 802.11n that comes with a couple of channels that can transmit data at 300 MB per second.
With this said, it is clear that there could be three root causes of slow connection:
1. Interference on the signal
2. Number of computers sharing the connection
3. Version of Wi-Fi you are using.
Instead of calling SOS to your technician (or subscribing to another type of connection), you can perform several Do-It-Yourself troubleshooting to get your Wi-Fi back in the fast track.
Tips to Speed Up Wireless Internet

Look for the right channel of the router
Having a cordless phone somewhere in the house may cause interference. If you have observed that your wireless connection slows down whenever there’s an incoming call, set the phone handset to another channel.
At the same time, you should also check what channels the other users are broadcasting on. Then set the router to another channel that no one else is using.
Replace your DNS service to Open DNS
Given that most people are using wireless networks, it is advisable to use OpenDNS to improve the Internet speed. You can get an easy-to-follow instruction on how you can configure your router by checking some websites. To put it simply, the process only takes simple copy-paste of IP addresses.
Change the Settings in your Wireless Card
Note that most of the wireless cards issued are configured to bear default settings. As such, they run on conventional wireless QoS. Making some adjustments can potentially give you a faster connection.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Press Windows + Pause Break key.
2. Click the hardware tab.
3. Go to Device Manager.
4. Double click on the icon of your wireless Internet that’s found in the Network Adapters.
5. Click the Advanced tab.
6. Select “Use CTS-to-self.” This instantly makes the speed faster, as you have set your Wi-Fi to suit a small home network.

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